Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 1....

I have arrived in San Francisco....and I am already exhausted after a 3 1/2 hour flight. A 6-10 mile walk around the city, and did I mention it is freezing here!!! Ahh!!!

We went to fisherman's warf ate some dinner, saw some seals, Alcatraz and the bay bridge... then we met some work friends from South Africa and New Zealand at a bar underneath the Bay Bridge... and now I am officially ready for bed.... I have a long journey ahead of me tomorrow!

Please keep my grandmother and mother in your prayers as well, it was really hard saying goodbye to the both of them as I left for this journey!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life's little blessings.....

Sometimes I think we forget to stop and count our blessings, every day we are all faced with tough decisions and choices, some of these are silly like what to eat and others can be life altering. But whatever it may be I pray that we all stop for at least a minute a day to look up at the sky and the beautiful world around us and thank the Lord above for all of our wonderful blessings we have.

My family has been rocked with lots of health issues, it seems every person in my family is struggling right now, and the floodgates are open and we are waiting for them to close and stop. But I know that no matter what happens the Lord loves me, he is watching over me and my family.

I may not be healthy and I may not be able to climb a mountain or even make it a weekend at a pageant, but I refuse to let that enable me from accomplishing my dreams, because if I quit if I give in, then I am no better than the rest of the world, giving in is easy, quitting is easy... its hard to fight and continuously fight. Its hard to feel like you never win. But the one thing I have learned is sometimes is not about winning, but about the journey that gets you to keep fighting and to keep chasing. And maybe winning wouldn't be whats best for you, because if you won it might change you, and God doesn't want you to change, He doesn't want you to lose sight of what is truly important in life, and the journey he has set out for you. Sometimes we just have to let go and Let GOD.....

Song of the day: Blessed by Rachel Lampa

Decisions... Poll question time

Should I lighten my hair like this (granted this was about 4 years ago) or should I:

Keep my hair dark like it is now?!?! I need help making this decision!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Softly call the Muster....

This morning got me thinking, as I was reminded that today is Muster for all the Aggies, and even though I am technically not an Aggie, but an Aggie at heart!! It made me think of all the loved ones we have lost over the year, and how deeply missed they are. It has been a sad year for my friends and family.

Life is short and its precious, so why are we as humans always causing pain on others? For all those I have done wrong, I want to apologize, we should not be spending what time we do have left being vindictive or mean, but rather spending it with the ones we love and enjoying every minute we do have. If I have learned anything this past year from the ones we have lost it is to enjoy life and live it to the fullest.

Today a candle is held in your are all truly missed, and we are all grateful for the time we were able to spend with you..

Song of the day: Sissy's Song by Alan Jackson

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

10 Days....

And let the countdown begin.....

A new chapter in my life comes to fruition, it's a crazy, exciting, emotional time.... and in 10 days it all becomes real as I travel to Japan/Korea.

Please keep my grandmother in your prayers, it makes this journey so hard to know that I will be half way across the world with her still in the hospital.

Song of the day : At Last by The Do