Wednesday, July 27, 2011

We love our nieces!!!!

Thought we would share some sweet photos of our 7 adorable, fun, cute, crazy nieces!!! I love them so much! and can never get enough!

Jameson giving Elle or has he calls her "Nori" some love.... during our babysitting!

Meet the twins Eleanor and Olivia Wallis... showing Aunt Lala some loves!!!!

The newest addition to the Sapaugh Clan- Madden Quinn!!!!

And last but certainly not least the three cutest sweetest flower girls!!!!

We are sooo blessed!!! :-)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Us in Terms of ABC's

Us, in terms of the ABC's... I stole this from the Snider's!

- Anxious about: meeting with our homeowners association... ridic
- Age: 26 and 26 (he's older though)
- Anniversary: May 14, 2011
- Animals: Holly Berry and Pastor


- Birthdays: 10/22/84 and 5/28/85
- Best Memory: The day he proposed
- Best Feeling: everytime he hugs me and tells me he loves me :-)


- Children: ... NONE
- Chinese or Mexican food: Mexican
- Continent to visit: Europe for sure- Italy, Greece, Austria, France... maybe next summer we will see


- Day or night: Umm... I am a night Jameson is a day
- Domestic Responsibilities: I do all the household chores, he does all the outdoor stuff.

- Everyone knows we: love going to the movies and eating out!


- First thoughts waking up: take the dogs out they are driving me nuts!
- Favorite thing to do: Go on walks
- Favorite Place to eat: Ninfas and Samari


- Greatest fear: I hate snakes and bugs, Jameson is afraid of zombies
- Goals: graduate from grad school, move up in our careers, buy a house, have lots of kids!
- Great Day: Make a yummy breakfast, go on a walk/bike ride, hang out with the puppies and friends/family!
- Get along with each other's parents: of course!


- Happy Thought: planning the future!
- Holidays: spent with both families


- Ideal Life: ?? Take it one day at a time... see what the future brings


-Just for fun: Sno Cones and Ice Cream Dates
-Job: Jameson works for the city and is in grad school, I am in charge of development for an assisted living company


- Keepsakes: Pictures and kind of weird magnets for our fridge and steins


- Love: Food, Puppies!
- Laughed so hard you cried: I think I am really funny and when I think I did or said something funny and Jameson doesn't agree I laugh so hard I cry


- Must have snack: Ice cream
- Memories: The past 6 years, being together, getting engaged, wedding day, honeymoon all of our trips together!


- Never would we: have snakes!


- One wish: To have a happy healthy family!
- Optimistic about: the future!

- Perfect Date: San Diego riding cruiser bikes on the beach


- Quiet times: When Jameson works in the yard and I watch tv with the pups!


- Respect: ALWAYS
- Reason we fell in love: He couldn't live without me! We make each other laugh!


- Sushi: Jameson loves! I am not that big of a fan
- Secrets: We don't like them!


- Time for bed: between 10 and 11 - Jameson always falls asleep first
- Traveling: We love to travel- hoping to make it to Europe soon!


- Unpredictable: Everyday!


- Vacation spot(s): Hawaii, Nevis, San Diego, TN!


- Weaknesses: mexican food, ice cream and a good shopping deal?
- Who is the quietest: Jameson, I love to talk!


- eXtremely: Excited about what the future holds for us!


- Year you met: 1999
- Year you got engaged: 2010
- Year you were married: 2011


- Zoo: We love going to the zoo!!! Jameson acts out all of the animals! :-)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


It has taken us quite awhile to post updates, but 6 months later. We are officially MARRIED!!! Thought we would share some photos. A glimpse at our fairy tale wedding! More to come!!!