Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Us in Terms of ABC's

Us, in terms of the ABC's... I stole this from the Snider's!

- Anxious about: meeting with our homeowners association... ridic
- Age: 26 and 26 (he's older though)
- Anniversary: May 14, 2011
- Animals: Holly Berry and Pastor


- Birthdays: 10/22/84 and 5/28/85
- Best Memory: The day he proposed
- Best Feeling: everytime he hugs me and tells me he loves me :-)


- Children: ... NONE
- Chinese or Mexican food: Mexican
- Continent to visit: Europe for sure- Italy, Greece, Austria, France... maybe next summer we will see


- Day or night: Umm... I am a night Jameson is a day
- Domestic Responsibilities: I do all the household chores, he does all the outdoor stuff.

- Everyone knows we: love going to the movies and eating out!


- First thoughts waking up: take the dogs out they are driving me nuts!
- Favorite thing to do: Go on walks
- Favorite Place to eat: Ninfas and Samari


- Greatest fear: I hate snakes and bugs, Jameson is afraid of zombies
- Goals: graduate from grad school, move up in our careers, buy a house, have lots of kids!
- Great Day: Make a yummy breakfast, go on a walk/bike ride, hang out with the puppies and friends/family!
- Get along with each other's parents: of course!


- Happy Thought: planning the future!
- Holidays: spent with both families


- Ideal Life: ?? Take it one day at a time... see what the future brings


-Just for fun: Sno Cones and Ice Cream Dates
-Job: Jameson works for the city and is in grad school, I am in charge of development for an assisted living company


- Keepsakes: Pictures and kind of weird magnets for our fridge and steins


- Love: Food, Puppies!
- Laughed so hard you cried: I think I am really funny and when I think I did or said something funny and Jameson doesn't agree I laugh so hard I cry


- Must have snack: Ice cream
- Memories: The past 6 years, being together, getting engaged, wedding day, honeymoon all of our trips together!


- Never would we: have snakes!


- One wish: To have a happy healthy family!
- Optimistic about: the future!

- Perfect Date: San Diego riding cruiser bikes on the beach


- Quiet times: When Jameson works in the yard and I watch tv with the pups!


- Respect: ALWAYS
- Reason we fell in love: He couldn't live without me! We make each other laugh!


- Sushi: Jameson loves! I am not that big of a fan
- Secrets: We don't like them!


- Time for bed: between 10 and 11 - Jameson always falls asleep first
- Traveling: We love to travel- hoping to make it to Europe soon!


- Unpredictable: Everyday!


- Vacation spot(s): Hawaii, Nevis, San Diego, TN!


- Weaknesses: mexican food, ice cream and a good shopping deal?
- Who is the quietest: Jameson, I love to talk!


- eXtremely: Excited about what the future holds for us!


- Year you met: 1999
- Year you got engaged: 2010
- Year you were married: 2011


- Zoo: We love going to the zoo!!! Jameson acts out all of the animals! :-)

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