Today we did pretty much NOTHING!!!
I finally slept, so that was good, and I ate pizza last night for dinner and it was very good. Tomorrow, Dr. Jones is headed back to Korea to speak to doctors. I created his powerpoint presentation for him. Kathi and I are going to go get massages, I desperately need one, my body just doesn't ever stop hurting.
I think The Jones are wanting to go back to Korea, they are going to talk to Donna Lee and the RNL team to see if we can get our last treatment in Korea and go back there on Wednesday. I don't really care one way or the other. However, our hotel is a lot nicer here in Japan and the food is better, but I will do whatever I am jello.
That was pretty much my day, I read a lot of books to Sophie and we all had breakfast and lunch together, and I ordered ice cream for dinner via room service.
I would like to get out of the hotel some tomorrow. We will see.
Happy Mothers Day to all!I hope you all have a wonderful day and a very special Mothers Day shout out to my mom I love you and miss you and wish you were here, eat lots of yummy food for me at the 4 seasons I am jealous I am not there.
Please continue to pray for my grandma, I know tomorrow will be a hard day for my family.
Enjoy the photos of the food I have seen, eaten or just stared at, it will explain my thinness and paleness.
I just don't think I could eat this at all. Sorry not to be desrespectful to the Koren's but we are all comfortable with are on food. I loved my Mother's Day Cards they were sweet.