Saturday, May 15, 2010

Your Miss America?... you shouldn't have been

Well yesterday was my last full day here!!! I woke up early after a late evening walking the streets since I got kicked out of my cab.

We were picked up by Mr. Lee, he is awesome!!! He took us to RNL where we went to a church service which was really nice. I really enjoyed it. Even though it was all in Korean, there were parts you just knew what they were talking about. Dr. Ra introduced us to the RNL Bio Research team as VIP guests of his, and talked about our diseases and everything wrong with us.

After church, we went down to receive our last treatment, I couldn't have been more ready. We ran into a lady who absolutely loved the Jones, but I found incredibly rude, she was the first person I had met on my entire trip to be soo blantanly rude. Telling me that I was basically not pretty enough to have ever been in pageants and completely talking over me and pushing me aside, like I have no feelings. I really hope Dr. Ra doesn't use her anymore because I have never found someone so rude, she really hurt my feelings.

Finally, after she was gone, I got to get my treatment. Then Mr. Lee, Ms. Woo and Dr. Ra came in to tell me I was getting facial injections. I kind of freaked, I was not prepared for this. But they assured me that they felt with my condition it would help my skin on my face with all my crazy breakouts so I agreed.

It was an interesting feeling, kind of like pins being stuck into your face, they used a local anesthetic to help numb your face. I am a little bruised and swollen here and there but anxious to see the results.

Last night, Geanna and I decided to go back to the shops, only to arrive and it felt like it had all been a dream. It was all closed down, we found some other ones but they were not the same. Needless to say it was an interesting evening. We finally caught a good cab that cost $7 to get back, which it what is should cost not $200 and made it back safely.

I am packing up, getting my bus ticket, and saying goodbye to my beautiful suite and delicious chocolate ice cream and headed on a 24 flying journey...

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