Yesterday, Cecily picked me up and took me the National Museum of Korea. It's a 4 story museum with basically a huge history lesson. She had some business phone calls do, so we got me an audio and I walked around. I was approached by a man who worked at the museum (seen below),

After that, Cecily took me to lunch at a French-Asian restaurant. Here we had a 5 course meal. We had a panacota, a cucumber tomato fruit vinegar salad, then a tomato pasta- which included every seafood imaginable including octopus, scallops, mussels, shrimp, fish, oysters and other things I did not know existed nor wanted to know what they were. Then I was served a soybean chicken sticky rice mushroom bannana leaf. The chicken was pink which was weird to me. Then we were served raspberry sorbet and green tea (my favorite part).

I was very tired and weak after my stem cells, they took me back to the hotel where I got very sick. We ordered room service, where the chocolate ice cream was the best thing I ate. We also ended up switching rooms because our room was very hot and I was very ill. Now we are in a suite which is pretty cool.

Now I am off to get ready and then head to breakfast, however I am just not hungry anymore the smell of food makes me nausea, I can't wait to get home. We are going on a city tour today and we found a TGIFridays so maybe that will be good.
Missing home a lot, continue to keep my family and your prayers and pray time goes by quicker.
This is the first time I have seen RNL's logo. Pretty cool.