Tuesday, May 4, 2010

World Peace.

Yesterday, Cecily picked me up and took me the National Museum of Korea. It's a 4 story museum with basically a huge history lesson. She had some business phone calls do, so we got me an audio and I walked around. I was approached by a man who worked at the museum (seen below), he asked me a lot of questions kept telling me I had a pretty faced, asked to take a photo with me, gave me his number and asked me to dinner. I politely explained to him I was there for business and had no time but I appreciated the offer. I continued through the museum. Once I finished I went to the museum shop and bought some gifts for my family and friends.

After that, Cecily took me to lunch at a French-Asian restaurant. Here we had a 5 course meal. We had a panacota, a cucumber tomato fruit vinegar salad, then a tomato pasta- which included every seafood imaginable including octopus, scallops, mussels, shrimp, fish, oysters and other things I did not know existed nor wanted to know what they were. Then I was served a soybean chicken sticky rice mushroom bannana leaf. The chicken was pink which was weird to me. Then we were served raspberry sorbet and green tea (my favorite part).

After lunch, Cecily took me across town to the hospital where I received my stem cell injections. This took a little over 2 hours, then I received a tour of their facilities and learned how the stem cells are regrown and banked and so forth. Dr. Hong (seen below) also interviewed and followed me around with a camera to document my journey. He also kept asking me about pageants and how my lupus has affected me competing. He was quite funny in that every time I would answer he would say " and World Peace". We told Dr. Hong he missed his calling in being a comedian.

I was very tired and weak after my stem cells, they took me back to the hotel where I got very sick. We ordered room service, where the chocolate ice cream was the best thing I ate. We also ended up switching rooms because our room was very hot and I was very ill. Now we are in a suite which is pretty cool.

Now I am off to get ready and then head to breakfast, however I am just not hungry anymore the smell of food makes me nausea, I can't wait to get home. We are going on a city tour today and we found a TGIFridays so maybe that will be good.

Missing home a lot, continue to keep my family and your prayers and pray time goes by quicker.

1 comment:

  1. This is the first time I have seen RNL's logo. Pretty cool.
