Yesterday was a lot of fun. The Jones surprised us girls by taking us to Kyoto. Where we got dressed up in traditional Japanese dress (kimonos) and walked the streets of Kyoto. We were going to do a traditional Japanese tea, but opted for starbucks instead. We had decided that Starbucks was more our cup of tea.
It was quite interesting however, how many people stopped to take pictures of us, or with us, it was kind of like being a celebrity. However, I was dressed not the way I would have dressed if I knew my photo was going to be taken a million times.
Today, we flew back to Korea, it is just a lot cheaper here and the people speak better english and are a lot more welcoming than in Japan, who knew? They upgraded me at the hotel, I have my OWN FLOOR! How weird is that? It almost makes it more lonely, super cool, but a little lonely!!
I am excited for my pedicure tomorrow, and then Saturday we get our last treatment of stem cells. I am also going back to Doota tomorrow to buy my final gifts and probably a duffle bag, my family has gotten too large and everywhere I go I think aw I should get so and so this!!!
Almost home, just a couple more days....
Awhhh... That looks like fun. All you girls looked so pretty. And that Sophie what a cutie. Miss you and buy some good gifts. Almost done and you will be home. Nice room God just sometimes does nice things to make your stay easier. mom